Asia Forex Mentor Academy is the world’s first forex trading academy, which provides a comprehensive 2-year forex training program. With over 10 years of research, development and training, we now have one of the best training platform, curriculum and trading environments in the world.
At Asia Forex Mentor Academy, we equip our traders with ongoing weekly training. This includes advanced trading concepts, live chart application, trade management, money management, price action, advanced chart reading, fundamental analysis, technical analysis, market making, and many other vital skills – making us one of the best forex trading academies in the world.
The tools and technologies that we apply in our chart analysis, chart reading, trade execution and management are similar to the ones used by banks and trading institutions.
We are proud to have trained and produced some of the finest traders in the world. These trainees go on to become traders for banks and trading institutions, professional retail traders and fund managers.
If you have been looking to learn how to trade, if you are tired from attending seminar after seminar only to find yourself not getting the results you wanted, and If you truly want to create a solid income from trading, then you’ll want to read this…
A message from Ezekiel Chew – Founder & CEO of Asia Forex Mentor Academy
I started teaching forex via seminars too, but the queries keep coming in: “Ezekiel, do you have a longer training session, “Ezekiel can you conduct at least a monthly catch-up?”, “Ezekiel, do you have an ongoing program, that’s the best way for me to learn.”
Truth to be told, I always have to say No when someone asks me this. It’s not that I can’t do it, I can. But it’s the EFFORT that takes a trader to continuously be with you, mentoring you and guiding you, that’s the deterring point for me. If I conduct my sessions for different batches of students on an ongoing basis, I will not be able to find enough time for sleep or to spend my life the way I want to live it.
And guess what… The questions still just kept coming in. In fact, they came in from the first day I taught trading, which has now been a good 10 years.
At the end of the third quarter of last year, I looked at the whole trading education industry with fresh eyes and thought hard. If I really want to make a difference, seminars just aren’t going to cut it. And the truth is, the success rate of people venturing into forex isn’t increasing. In fact, with the burgeoning numbers of people venturing into forex trading each and every year, I would actually say the amount of people who fail is growing.
Learning from seminars is good if you are able to grasp the concepts fast, and are able to apply it consistently, after that on your own.
However, that’s not so easy. We all know that…
Therefore, I’m determined to change the entire trading education industry. Short courses, seminars, workshops and boot camps just aren’t going to work. If you want to go pro, you need to be professional about it.
Doctors spend 4 years in medical school, followed by 3-7 years in residency training before they are eligible for medical licensing.
In order to be a lawyer, the initial degree program takes 4 years to complete at a university recognized by the Bar Association.
The fact is, if you want to be good at something, you’re not going to be learning enough from a 2-3 day seminar that it will allow you to turn pro the next day.
There’s a reason why there are lectures, tutorials and TESTS behind our education system.
These provide a realistic benchmark for how to apply things in today’s world, in today’s market.
Asia Forex Mentor Academy is built around that principle. It took around a year of gathering the foremost experts in the field, and countless of hours of program creation, tweaking, and editing to come up with what actually works in the live market. This is a proud moment for us, where we truly want to revolutionize the trading education industry. We are looking to create a world-class academy that will develop professional traders who will have the skills and knowledge to make a difference in this industry.
Therefore, I would like to invite you to our launch of Asia Forex mentor Academy, this 3rd of November 2018. (Saturday 1.30 pm to 4 pm)
This is where I will go into greater depth regarding what is covered so that you can clearly see how this is entirely different from anything you may have previously experienced and why you will want to be part of this revolutionary professional trading program.
As an exclusive for the launch of Asia Forex Mentor Academy, I’ll be the one personally conducting all lessons on this program.
Our vision is to create offices all over the major cities in the world with the Asia Forex Mentor Academy brand.
You are now at the pinnacle of this pioneer class, where I will do my very best to ensure the highest success rate possible.
Do watch this video:
I truly want to make a difference and I look forward to meeting you this 3rd Nov. Full venue details will be given once registered.
A full house is expected for this event, so I urge you to register early and please only register once you can confirm your attendance.
This is the world-class level of forex training. If you having been looking for the right trading and investment professional program, you’ll need to be here.
To learn more about our Professional Forex Trading Program for Adults – Click Here
Fill in the registration form below to secure your seat for our Exclusive Launch Event: